Solid State Controls

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The SR100 Series Controls are designed to operate vibratory bowls, supply hoppers and inline track feeders. They are available in either single or dual output. Output power can run continuously or be cycled on and off by a PLC or other parts sensor. Soft start is available for delicate parts feeding applications.

The FC1000 parts feeder control contains its own 12V DC power supply and adjustable time delays. It is supplied completely pre-wired with the sensor of your choice (model FC1000-3WS) or our standard L200/R100 thru-beam sensors shown in photo. The FC1000 and SR100 Series controls can be used together to provide total coordination of inline, bowl and supply hopper. Soft start option is available. All vibratory feeder controls are 8A, 15A or 30A, 120 or 240VAC, 50/60Hz. General-purpose enclosures are heavy gage steel construction with no cables between cover and base mounted on machine. NEMA 12/ 4 and stainless steel enclosures as well as module only can be provided for your custom requirements.

FC1000 shown above with L200 / R100 .375" Dia. threaded sensors.

Also available with L200-NT/R100-NT .250" Dia. non-threaded sensors.


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